Friday, September 07, 2007

Police Interview With Brenda Slaby Released

ONN has a bit of insight in to the interview with police and the Donut Lady:
Brenda Slaby frequently put her head down and wept as she retraced the morning she forgot about two year old Cecilia. It was the day before the vice-principal's first day of school. There was an important meeting. Cecilia was in the back seat.

"Brenda Slaby told police it was too early to drop cecelia off at the sitter's so she came here to the bakery to get doughnuts for the staff. When she changed her routine, Slaby forgot Cecilia was in the back seat."

"Was she asleep? She was always alseep, always sound asleep."

Cecilia slept through the doughnut delivery to school. It took two trips. Then Brenda Slaby parked the car with Cecilia inside. 8 hours later, someone pulled into the parking and saw her. Slaby rushed to the car and carried her blistered daughter into the air conditioned school. It was too late.

"No one thinks you did this on purpose. No-one is doubting that Brenda, good mother's don't do that."

Brenda Slaby tried to calculate living with what she did.

"I don't know how you go on having done this to one of your kids, and ever forgive yourself."

In police interviews, Brenda was described as stressed out about the first day of school. A teacher at her other daughter's school said the Slaby's were always in a hurry.

"I was trying to be everything to everybody. I failed my daughter."
Read the whole thing on ONN's site here.

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