Thursday, September 06, 2007

Why I Can't Support Ron Paulamania

The Corner has a quote from the debate last night that perfectly illustrates my concern with the man. the myth, the legend in his own mind, Ron Paul:
Ron Paul: "The President goes to Congress to find out if there's a threat to national security."
The man is seriously not fit to be a Congressman let alone Commander-in-Chief...

UPDATE: Brian, in the comments, puts this into perspective. I admit, when I saw this quote over at The Corner, I took it to be a literal quote and not a summation or interpretation...

If Paul's position is that we have to read the Constitution to determine whether or not there is a threat to our country or not, then I still have to say he's bat$#|+ crazy... I still can't say what Paul's position on the subject is because he doesn't articulate his position on anything very well at all... The words that come out of his mouth sound like English, but they sure sound like he's swallowing a mouthful of peanut butter or something because he just doesn't make any sense at all.

That's my opinion on the matter...your mileage may vary...