Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Clinton Awe Redux: Hillary

Remember in the 1990s, how even as he was lying about everything, the media was having orgasm upon orgasm with how savvy Clinton was, that lying was good and clever, that it spared feelings? Well, we are getting that now. Anne Kornblut of the Washington Post (article is behind a wall, so I am not posting the link), doesn't care that Mrs. Clinton is shielding herself from certain reporters, certain questions she doesn't want to deal with. In fact, she pretty much said, OK, whatever it takes to win. Then, of course, remember the flap about Bush using 9/11 imagery in 2004? How it was exploiting 9/11? Guess what? Hillary has a 9/11 imagery commercial now and the media is elated over it. Here is the visual of the ad, Mrs. Clinton with her surgical mask on, looking concerned, at Ground Zero. Here is the audio:
She stood by Ground Zero workers who sacrificed their health after so many sacrificed their lives, and kept standing until this administration took action. So now that almost every candidate is standing up for health care for all, which one do you think will never back down?
Where is the outcry? In fact, listening to Rush, he played a montage where the media was having an orgasm about how it projected she was strong and safe and electable. Hmmm....no hypocrisy there, is there?

And of course, where is the outrage when Hillary went after a voter in Iowa? Here is the exchange. You can find it in several sources:
HILLARY: What wasn't in what you read to me -- that somebody obviously sent to you -- is that --

ROLPH: I take exception. This is my own research.  I have not --

HILLARY: Well, then let me finish! Let me finish telling you --

ROLPH: Those are my words! Nobody sent that to me. I am offended that you would suggest it.

HILLARY: Well, then I ap-- I -- I apologize. It's just that I've been asked the very same question in three other places, so let me apologize.
She was insulting the intelligence of the questioner. And she really never answered the question. This would show her weakness. She is not able to handle real questions, only prepared ones. Where is the outrage?