Wednesday, October 03, 2007

WMD Blast: Mark G. Edition


  • Vet Heroically Defends Flag and Law of the United States - This casino needs to be boycotted. A casino in NV (which remember, Casino owners are Harry Reid's biggest donors because he was supposed to push through an Amnesty bill to give them more illegal cheap labor) flew the Mexican flag over the United States flag. Not only is this disgusting, it is ILLEGAL. It did not take long for a vet to come and do the right thing, tear the Mexican flag down.

  • Ann Coulter has a new book out. Will I read it? Eventually. Will I rush out to get it, like I did Treason and Slander? Nope. Ann Coulter is in serious danger of jumping the shark...again, still...whatever. Here is an interview about the book. Check it out.

    While I agree with Ann about Carter and Clinton, and I agree with her about global warming being more dogmatic religion than fact, and I see some salient points in her discussions about how women who vote Democrat are demeaning the cause of women, inflammatory comments like denying women the right to vote, or just single women, is not doing any good. She has gone beyond making arguments ala Jon Swift's "A modest proposal" and has gone on to hysteria. So Ann, for the sake of us normal folk out here, kindly STFU for a while....

  • Jimmy Carter Tries to Screw Up More of the World - Jimmy Carter got into a shouting match in Darfur. What was he doing there? The mainstream media actually let out a subtle hint in the story.
    The visit by "The Elders," which is headed by Carter and Nobel Peace laureate Desmond Tutu, is largely a symbolic move by a host of respected figures to push all sides to make peace.
    In other words, this has no real effect, and is only meant to make libs like Jimmy and Des feel better about themselves. They are trying, darn it! They went over and talked to people...yeah, that works.....17 resolutions and 12 years later.....But then again, that is all liberals are good at, talking. It is all about symbolism, no substance.....Just putting it out there.

  • The 85th Carnival of Ohio Politics has been posted. WMD has two submissions this week...

  • AP News Alerts:

    10:30 AM
    WASHINGTON (AP) President Bush has vetoed a bill expanding a children's health insurance program, setting up an override battle with Congress.