Washington- It hasn’t taken Zack Space (OH-18) long to forget that he was sent to Washington to be a good steward of the taxpayers’ dollars. Since arriving in Congress, Zack Space and his Democrat colleagues have shown an unmistakable willingness to raid the wallets of American taxpayers.
Yesterday was just another example of Space's commitment to increase taxes on hard-working Americans. Zack Space's vote yesterday would allow for yet another tax increase on homeowners (House Roll Call 947). Space's reckless voting record in Congress shows his complete disregard for the interests of Ohio voters, and shines light on his unending allegiance to the Democrat party.
As the Las Vegas Review Journal pointed out yesterday, Democrats in Washington , with the help of Zack Space in many instances, continue to “[t]ax and tax – then tax some more.” Below is Las Vegas Review Journal’s description of the Democrats’ tax hike agenda:
“-- Increasing the top income tax rate from 35 percent to 39.6 percent.
-- Reinstating the income tax ‘marriage penalty,’ which forced married middle-class couples filing jointly to pay more taxes than they would have if they filed separately.
-- Cutting the per-child tax credit from $1,000 to $500.
-- Reinstating the death tax, which finally flatlines in 2009 but will come crawling out of its grave in 2011 without further action from Congress. Democrats also want fewer exemptions granted, which would allow them to pick the pockets of more middle-class cadavers.
-- Increasing the capital gains tax rate from 15 percent to between 28 and 35 percent, even though doing so would hinder investment and economic growth, and even though previous increases in the rate have resulted in declining revenues.
-- Boosting taxes on private equity and hedge fund managers, thereby making U.S. financial institutions less competitive in the global marketplace.
-- Raising federal cigarette taxes by 156 percent, to $1 per pack.
-- Sending cigar taxes through the roof, from a 20.7 percent levy on wholesale prices with a 5-cent cap, to a 53 percent rate with a $3 cap.
-- Piling higher drilling royalties and higher taxes on oil and gas companies by killing tax breaks that are extended to every other U.S. manufacturer.
-- Increasing the federal gasoline tax by between 5 and 50 cents per gallon.
-- Creating a tax of $50 per ton of carbon, to be assessed on coal, petroleum products and natural gas.
-- Raising income taxes on people who live in houses with more than 3,000 square feet by phasing out their mortgage interest deduction. For example, taxpayers who have borrowed money to buy a house with between 3,400 and 3,599 square feet would be able to deduct only 55 percent of their mortgage interest. Homes with 4,200 square feet or more would not be eligible for a mortgage interest deduction.
-- Eliminating the interest deduction for home equity loans.
-- Prohibiting donations to cultural institutions and private colleges and universities from being claimed as income tax deductions.”
( Las Vegas Review Journal, 10/04/07)
“If Zack Space thinks that supporting these incredulous tax increases is in the best interest of his constituents, then he has been seriously misguided my the Democrat establishment in Washington,” said NRCC Communications Director Jessica Boulanger. “Zack Space has already proven that he is willing to support tax hikes, and has also remained remarkably silent on some of his colleagues’ most egregious tax proposals.”
This new laundry list of devastating tax increases, proposed by Democrats in Washington , is so outrageous that not even all of the party’s leaders are on board, but still Zack Space says nothing. Will Zack Space abandon his promise to restore fiscal responsibility to Washington , or will he continue to raid the wallets of hard-working taxpayers in Ohio?