I also hear that Mr. Heimlich made a quick exit once he realized he had worn out his welcome. The only thing I want to know is why he even bothered in the first place. But then again, I've been saying that about Heimlich's campaign since it got started...the guy LOST in his home county against David Pepper, for goodness sakes...
UPDATE: 82%...now that's a good old fashioned butt whuppin' right there...
UPDATE 2: WMD regular Rose, in the comments, passes on this amusing story from the endorsement proceedings:
Evidently Phil lambasted her for voting to uphold the bill that supported the banks project so she she spoke, she read a letter from someone asking her to "support" (procure government funding) for the banks project.Someone else recently said that it is as if Jean is running unopposed in this race...
The "someone" who wrote the letter was...are you ready...wait for it... Phil Heimlich.
Good times...
UPDATE 3: Welcome CityBeat: Porkopolis readers! Check out the rest of what WMD has to offer by clicking here for the front page.