Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Clinton Library Card

I absolutely love this:
In 2004, Hillary claimed that all of the records at the Clinton Library would be opened. She said on CNN's Larry King Live, "That's one of the things the library really stands for. It physically stands for openness with all the glass and the light. But he wants it to be a place where people come and really study. And everything's going to be available."

Nearly three years after the opening of the Clinton Presidential Library and the ensuing Freedom of Information Act Requests, less than half of one percent of the library's documents are open for review.

ABC News reported on November 6, 2007 that another Arkansas library containing documents related to Clinton won't be available until after the 2008 election.

On the campaign trail, Clinton consistently speaks to her level of experience; yet, she will not allow details of that experience to be reviewed by the public. The American people deserve to know what information is being guarded in these libraries.

After signing our petition, you'll be able to print out your very own Clinton library card. Our goal is to have thousands of people sign this petition before December 31, 2007, in hopes that this will inspire Hillary to agree to share the library documents as her New Year's resolution.

Please help us push this issue forward by signing our petition at www.clintonlibrarycard.com and be sure to forward the link to your friends.
The RNC eCampaign team is right on target with this one...