Is it funny? Well, those Chuck Norris "facts" around the internet have been funny, but this is just ridiculous. Mike Huckabee making the campaign into a joke. It seems Mr. Huckabee has a lot in common with Bill Clinton:
1. both from Hope, AR
2. both like to talk faith, but don't live it
3. ethics charges going back to state service
4. improper use of office to furnish homes
5. using celebs to try to win over votes in commercials.
6. Waistline issues.
Mike Huckabee is not the answer. This commercial does not show a man who doesn't take himself too seriously. It shows a man who doesn't take US or this race very seriously, and someone who should be sent packing back to Hope. Don't make the Republican version of Bill Clinton the nominee.
Mike Huckabee is not a principled conservative. He loved tax hikes. He wanted tax hikes. He simply says praise Jesus and people come running. How is he any different from Romney? What has he actually done to show he is conservative?
1. Advocate for higher taxes
2. Call National Right to Life wrong
3. be charged many times with ethics violations
4. improperly using his office to furnish his home.
Sounds more like a Clinton than a Conservative.
And neither should you.