From the inbox:
Bowling Green, Ohio (November 5, 2007) — Today, the Latta Campaign announced that they will be filing a second Ohio Elections Commission complaint against the Buehrer campaign, this time for a mail piece that lies about Bob Latta’s position on the issue of abortion.
Campaign Manager Matt Parker said, “This is par for the course from the Buehrer campaign. Whether it is going after Bob Latta’s wife, illegally coordinating with an unethical Washington special interest group, or telling blatant lies about Bob’s record, Steve Buehrer has shown time and again throughout this campaign that he is willing to say or do anything. He and the Club for Growth have the attitude, ‘tell lies now, pay the penalty later.’”
The mailer in question says, “Bob Latta says he is pro-life” on the front, and on the back, the mailer goes on to say that Bob Latta took money from a liberal union who advocates abortion, of course never naming the “liberal union”. Then the Buehrer mailer implies that Bob Latta is pro-choice because he voted for a bill that mandated students received the chicken pox vaccine. The mailer misstates that the vaccine is made with aborted fetal tissue and it also fails to point out that the bill allows students with religious objections to opt out of the vaccine.
Matt Parker went on to say, “Steve Buehrer is really doing a disservice to the voters by trying to confuse the issue. Bob Latta is and has always been 100% pro-life. Steve Buehrer knows that. And, Buehrer has accepted contributions from the maker of the very same chicken pox vaccine, yet he has the nerve to attack Bob Latta on this issue. This is the ultimate hypocrisy.”
Parker concluded, “Steve Buehrer was found guilty of lying before, and he is doing it again.”
Have I mentioned that I am really looking forward to this race being over?