Sunday, November 04, 2007

Victoria "Tori" Schattauer's (The Coach Who Gets Topless with Her Team) StepDad Disappointed

From Local Channel 5 coverage of the Goshen Scandal:
The cheerleader coach's stepfather tells me he did not know about the incident, but tells me he's very disappointed with his daughter's actions.

The mother of the freshman in the picture told me she had no comment tonight.

Meanwhile, parents with kids in the school are shocked.

"I would hope that parents would talk to their kids; it's not something that should be going around and not something that should be happening at a high school at all," parent Sarah Clift said.

OK, what is the mom of the freshman cheerleader supposed to say? Her daughter was nekked with her coach and probably drunk and/or stoned. What should be the comment here?

And then, there is the step-dad. Hmmm.

Lastly, Ms. Sarah Clift, who hasn't been in area high schools since the 1950s, or lives with her head in the sand. This stuff IS going around...from fights set up to be put on myspace to this scandal of nude pics at a party. Parents need to be vigilant and know what their kids are doing instead of just worrying about if they are occupied so you can do whatever you want to do.

As an aside, play the news5 video. Doesn't the school superintendent remind of Patriots Coach Bill Belicheck in that outfit? I'm just saying.....
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