Rep. Eric Cantor sent a letter to Speaker of State Nancy Pelosi asking that the AMT patch approved by the Senate be brought to the floor:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi
H-232 U.S. Capitol
Washington , D.C. 20515
Dear Madam Speaker:
As the year draws to a close, I respectfully call upon you to bring much-needed alternative minimum tax (AMT) relief to the American people by allowing the Senate passed AMT patch to proceed to the House floor.
In previous years, Congress has protected taxpayers from the ever-expanding reach of the AMT. This year, Congress has the opportunity to do the same, but so far has not taken meaningful action to protect taxpayers. Treasury Secretary Paulson has said that the inaction will now delay the issuance of approximately $75 billion in taxpayer refunds. If Congress does not act soon, 23 million Americans will become ensnarled in the AMT and face an unjust tax increase of nearly $2,000 each.
On April 17, 2007, you stated that “the Democratic-led House is working to protect the middle-class and fix the AMT.” I share your goal of shielding these 23 million taxpayers from the AMT. Legislation was moved through the House that would raise taxes on small businesses and entrepreneurialism to pay for the AMT patch. Imposing job-killing tax hikes is an imprudent route that the Senate overwhelmingly rejected in a vote earlier this month. Temporary tax cuts paid for with permanent tax hikes so Washington can spend more is not what the American people expect. I respectfully request you bring to the floor an AMT-relief bill free of any job–killing tax hikes. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
And here is a statement from Republican Leader John Boehner:
“Some 50 million taxpayers already face a significant delay in receiving their tax refunds next year, and the Democratic Majority has dragged its feet long enough. But according to the Majority Leader, the pain may just be beginning. This is yet another reminder that the Majority’s priorities do not reflect those of the American people. Democrats created the AMT, repeatedly voted against Republican efforts to abolish it, and have failed to stop its impending assault on 23 million middle-class American taxpayers.
“If congressional Democrats leave town without preventing a massive and totally unnecessary tax hike on middle-class families, this will count as the most irresponsible – and heartless – act of this Congress. If Congress fails to fix the AMT, 23 million Americans will pay an additional $2,000 in taxes next year – a tax hike they neither expect nor deserve. It’s time for Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, and the rest of the Democratic leadership to quit the political posturing and bring the Senate-passed AMT fix to the House floor before the end of the week so President Bush can sign it into law.”
This is a critical piece of legislation and we have seen demonstration after demonstration that the Democrat leadership in Washington is not prepared to take these issues seriously. And on the off chance that serious legislation does make it for a vote, we have seen, time and time again, that Democrats are not interested in doing what is right for the American people. Remember this well, America...for you will have a chance to correct these problems on Election Day.