Saturday, December 22, 2007

Husted Out of Touch with Ohio Republicans on 08POTUS

How out of touch from Ohio Republicans is Speaker of the Ohio House Jon Husted? Well, he's backing John McCain for President...of the United States. No, I'm serious. Here's the whole story from WTOL-TV:
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted is backing underdog Republican John McCain in the presidential race.

The speaker says he has spent the past six months looking over all the GOP candidates. He says he eventually decided McCain is best positioned to win Ohio and lead the country.

Husted is a Republican from the Dayton area. He calls McCain "the man who should be president."
Previously on WMD, we reported that Ohio Republicans chose Fred Thompson in the Ohio GOP Straw Poll. Sen. McCain finished fourth in the poll of Ohio's Republicans.

UPDATE: Of course, Husted falls right in with the McCain Mavericks... I forgot who was leading the Maverick Charge here in Ohio...former Senator Mike DeWine. This makes perfect sense now...

ALSO: Mark has an interesting interpretation of Husted's statement that McCain "should be president"... Could it be that Husted actually thinks that McCain should be in the White House RIGHT NOW???