An assistant middle school principal who left her 2-year-old daughter in the back of a sweltering car, an accident that killed the child, reached a settlement to leave the school district where some parents had called for her ouster.
Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby, 40, has been on leave since Aug. 23, the day she left her sleeping daughter Cecilia strapped into a car seat for eight hours in the parking lot of Glen Este Middle School in Clermont County. Temperatures that day reached nearly 100 degrees.
Under terms of a separation agreement approved Monday by the West Clermont School Board, Nesselroad-Slaby will not return to the school, Superintendent Gary Brooks said.
The school board issued a statement saying the agreement will prevent further disruptions caused by the tragedy.
The child's death divided the school community. Some parents and residents supported Nesselroad-Slaby, while others were angered and demanded that she be fired.
Clermont County Prosecutor Don White decided not to charge the mother, saying it was an accident that didn't entail reckless conduct as defined by Ohio law.
Nesselroad-Slaby told police that she changed her usual routine that morning by picking up doughnuts for the school staff - a decision that distracted her - and she thought she had already dropped her daughter off with a baby sitter.
Even though this story says terms were not disclosed, my sources tell me Slaby gets a good hunk of her pay. She commits child endangerment, is not charged by an inept and incompetent and corrupt prosecutor (Don White), intimidated by Slaby's corrupt County Commissioner Defense counsel (GOP member Scott Croswell), and she gets a payday.
But wait, there is more. From the Community Journal:
Brenda Nesselroad-Slaby is "under the care of a physician" and will apply for disability retirement instead of returning to work as an assistant principal at Glen Este Middle School.
This is one aspect of the separation agreement signed by the West Clermont Local School District Board of Education and Nesselroad-Slaby Dec. 11.
Board members voted at their regular meeting Dec. 10 to end the contract with Nesselroad-Slaby. The agreement was signed Dec. 11.
Nesselroad-Slaby is to apply for disability retirement benefits with the State Teachers Retirement Disability System, according to a press release and the separation agreement. If her application is approved, Nesselroad-Slaby will tender an irrevocable letter of resignation as assistant principal effective the day of her disability approval.
In the event her application for disability retirement is denied or she exhausts her sick leave days prior to a disability retirement decision, she will give her resignation effective July 31, 2009. At that point, Nesselroad-Slaby would use vacation leave and personal leave days until they are exhausted, and then placed back on paid administrative leave through the expiration of her contract July 31, 2009.
Nesselroad-Slaby also will receive a letter of reference regarding her "successful years of service with the board," and the board will not place any restrictions on who Nesselroad-Slaby may contact for other personal references.
Superintendent Gary Brooks read a resolution to "amicably" conclude the board's employment relationship with Nesselroad-Slaby during the Dec. 10 board meeting.
The board voted 5-0 in favor of accepting the terms of the agreement.
YES, THAT IS RIGHT FOLKS! Some of your tax dollars is going to support Slaby! The murderer files for disability, and if she doesn't get it, she gets to leach off of the good people of the West Clermont School District. And, if she decides to get back into teaching or education, she gets a great reference from the board. So, once again, not only can you get away with killing your own daughter in Clermont County simply by saying you forgot about her, you can:
1. get disability for it.
2. leach off of taxpayers
3. get an attaboy for doing it.
Where is the justice for Cecilia? When will the Clermont County GOP tell Croswell and White to take a hike and get competent and noncorrupt folks in there?
Word to the wise to the families with children in school in Ohio. Be on the lookout for this woman. She baked her own kid, who knows what she will do to yours if she gets employment in your school district!