Wednesday, December 26, 2007

National Security Still Matters; Still is Republican's Best Issue

We've been talking about what issues were still vital going in to the 2008 election cycle on the radio show. Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog contends that national security has fallen off the radar as of late, but I maintain the opposite view.

Guess what, folks? National security is still a top issue on the minds of the electorate. Buried in a piece that was supposed to make us believe that national security was fading, is this bit:
In an ABC News-Washington Post poll released last week, 24% of adults ranked the economy and jobs as their most pressing concern in choosing a candidate, slightly higher than the 23% who said Iraq.

Last month, the same poll showed 29% ranking Iraq as their highest concern, compared with 14% who pointed to the economy and jobs.
Read that again if you have to...