Citizens for Legal CommunitiesThere are some powerhouse names there! There is also one name that the insiders will recognize as one that will cause me to look at this candidate very hard. No, I won't reveal which name it is...
Sheriff Si Leis, Hamilton Co. Sheriff
Sheriff Tom Ariss, Warren Co. Sheriff
Sheriff Richard Jones, Butler Co. Sheriff
David Miller, Republican State Central Committeeman, Hamilton Co.
Prosecutor Rachel Hutzel, Warren Co. Prosecutor
Commissioner Pat South, Warren Co.
Commissioner Mike Kilburn, Warren Co.
Jim Aumann, Warren Co. Treasurer
Beth Deckard, Warren Co. Recorder
Neil Tunison, Warren Co. Engineer
Nick Nelson, Warren Co. Auditor
Former State Rep. George Terwilleger
Mayor Amy Brewer, Lebanon
Dr. Jeff Monroe, Lebanon City Council
Mayor Cheryl Davidson, Corwin
David Fornshell, Vice Chair Warren Co. Republican Party
Lori Viars, pro-life leader
Mike Geygan, business leader
Roseann Siderits, conservative leader
Maynard & Stella Hagemeyer, Republican leaders
It appears that the race wasn't complicated enough and a third candidate was needed. Eric Minamyer was wounded by having lost his trustee seat to a John Rabenhold sock puppet. And Rabenhold is still a lobbyist for Check'n'Go who is racking in the fat cat dough.
Initial analysis: This is good news for Rabenhold unless Minamyer drops out and supports Maag. Why? Because at this point, it appears as if Rabenhold holds all the
HT: Bizzy via email...but look for NixGuy to have something to say on this too at some point.