This time, Democrats are energized and putting money into the race to support Robin Weirauch, who is running for the third time.
"It's an off-year," said Ohio Democratic Chairman Chris Redfern. "If we are going to win, it's much more likely we do it this year than next."
Sounds like this is going to be a big day for Democrats. But wait, we already reported Latta won. Redfern is still trying to spin it as some type of moral victory
Tonight's election results show Republicans are more vulnerable than ever in Ohio. In a district that George W. Bush carried with 61% of the vote and where registered Republicans outnumber Democrats by 50 percent, the GOP had to scramble to win a special election that should have been a cake walk.....uh, Scoreboard, chump!
Kevin DeWine is not taking Redfern's delusion and letting it rest:
Are you kidding?
"Chris Redfern's spin on this race is just laughable. He can't honestly think this election shows Republicans are more vulnerable than ever. If anything, this is a resounding defeat of a party that spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless man-hours on a race they arrogantly declared winnable. In the end, they actually managed to lose by a greater margin than they did the last time. Ted Strickland and Sherrod Brown carried this district a year ago, but they lost it Tuesday by a huge margin. You can't spin that."
And let's not forget, a defeat for a candidate who took money from a pro-abortion group but didn't publicize it in the heavily pro life district,(emily's list), and who had lots of help from Kos. Doesn't speak well for those funtime endorsements anymore, now does it? Check out bizzyblog and nixguy for the rundowns.
The reason this race was close HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH Iraq or Bush. It had everything to do with a very nasty Republican primary and Robin hiding her love from Kos and from Emily's List. However, several bloggers found out. Luckily, many voters did, too, or you would have a savage barbarian proponent of partial birth abortion on demand on your hands in Ohio 5. Nice try spinning this as a referendum on Bush and Iraq, but it had nothing to do with it. Now, quit trying to pull something from the jaws of defeat, Dems. You...just....suck.