Want an example? I have a few...
Everybody knows that the education system in this country sucks, right? Then why do most Americans believe that their schools are the good ones?
Want another? How about this Gallup poll on "personal satisfaction"?
Everybody knows that life sucks and we're facing the End Times with a recession, out of control gas prices and bread lines forming, right? Then why are 84% of Americans satisfied with their lives right now? Huh? What was that? 84% of Americans are happy? That can't be!
Uhh...yes, it can be...and it has been the case for quite some time. The Democratic Party and their accomplices in the 527 media have been bringing us all down. Why? Because it fits their worldview and agenda. Democrats can not maintain their grip on power if you are happy. Now before some liberal says, "Hey, Matt, Americans are happy because Democrats are in charge!" let me ask this... If that were the case, why would we see Democrats and the media continue to beat the drum that your life sucks and only a handout from the government will cure your blues? Because that is exactly what they are doing.
So, why do I hate these polls so much? It all depends on how the questions are asked and who gets asked... Way too much guesswork involved in that to use it for anything other than an educated guess of what Americans really think. Ever wonder why all those exit polls are so screwed up? Now you know...
...and knowing is half the battle...