Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bill Clinton Wants You to Lose Your Job

Bill Clinton thinks more Americans need to lose their jobs. Bill Clinton thinks we should be paying 9.00 for a loaf of bread. Bill Clinton thinks we should join the ranks of the third world. How else are we to interpret this gem:

We just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions 'cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren

All this for a theory that we don't know to be true....Bill Clinton wants your family to starve while we save the spotted owl....

MATT'S UPDATE: I'm as much a Billary hater as the next member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, but I think ABC did a hatchet job on old Bill... Check out this update on The Corner... Context matters...

Mark's Response to Matt

Yes, context does matter, and Bubba indeed did go on and expound on his remarks. However, the fact remains that Bubba is willing to subvert the American economy to the dogma of global warming, just as he did in his own Presidency, and as he and Hillary would advocate in her 2nd and third terms in the White House.

Global warming is not man-made, it is cyclical. More and more people are beginning to doubt the fanaticism of Algore, despite the best work of the media to try to promote it. I don't want economic policy based on a religion.