Cincinnati, OH - State Representative Tom Brinkman filed his petitions today at 11:00a.m. at the Hamilton County Board of Elections. Tom is seeking to become the Republican nominee for the 2nd District Congressional Seat. Tom used the opportunity to make a statement to the media as to why he is the right choice to represent the people of our district.Editor's Note: The crummy graphic that the Brinkman campaign sent in their email was VERY hard to read, so if there are some numbers wrong in that chart above, feel free to blame them.
"The Second District is dangerously close to being lost to the Democrats", Brinkman said, "We need a candidate that can bring out the Republican voters to ensure a win in that district as well as help for the Presidential election. I am that candidate." Brinkman continued, "Republicans consistently come out to support me because I have consistently supported the values and principles of the Party. I have stood firm on lower taxes and limited government and kept my promises."
Mr. Brinkman handed out a flyer with the percentage of vote totals from the 2006 election that clearly showed he is the candidate in this race that brings out the Republican vote.Sum of Percentages of Votes 2006
Area / Brinkman / Heimlich / Schmidt
34th House / 54 / 49 / 45
Anderson / 63 / 59 / 55
Cincinnati 1 / 51 / 46 / 42
Cincinnati 2 / 34 / 30 / 27
Cincinnati 4 / 44 / 37 / 34
Cincinnati 5 / 48 / 38 / 38
Columbia P-G / 53 / 45 / 43
Fairfax / 56 / 52 / 46
Newtown / 63 / 57 / 56
Terrace Park / 69 / 58 / 54
Of course, I don't see numbers for how Brinkman fares in Brown County or Scioto County or Clermont County. I hate to be the bearer of bad news for Team Brinkman, but the district is larger than this and I am sure that the numbers outside of the small little slice of Heaven that Brinkman has campaigned in previously don't look so good for the founder of COAST.
These numbers are less than meaningless and whichever campaign "professional" urged Team Brinkman to release these numbers ought to be sent packing. First of all, there has not been a race that contains these three candidates in the same race that didn't include more turf than this...
Funny that we don't see numbers from the 2005 special election...how did that one turn out again? Oh, yeah, Brinkman lost...
Schmidt finished first in the Republican primary, with 31% of the vote. McEwen finished second with 25%, Brinkman was third with 20%, and DeWine had 12%.Of course, that was then...and this is now. I just wanted to illustrate how stupid these numbers actually are...show me some numbers that mean something and we'll talk. Until then, let's not pretend that a small slice of the district is somehow representative of the how they represent "Republicans that turn out." That is insulting to the rest of the district... Congrats, Team Brinkman, your message of the day is that the rest of Ohio-02 doesn't matter...
1/4 UPDATE: Actually, I think these numbers do make a pretty convincing argument against Phil Heimlich. If a challenger is to win in the primary, one of these guys has to bow out... Of course, even that won't matter since both of their names will appear on the ballot splitting the anti-Jean vote.