Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Doesn't This Mean War?

AP News Alert:
KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) A U.S. official says an American diplomat in Khartoum has died of injuries suffered in a shooting.
I thought that this meant war... I suspect that instead of that, we'll get what the State Department types call a "proportional response" which means we'll do essentially nothing and certainly nothing that would equal the taking of the life of one of our diplomats.

Now before the liberals start calling me a warmonger or worse, let me state that I don't think we should go to war with Sudan. I do think we ought to get to the bottom of who did this and then "bring them to justice." By which I do mean that we ought to kill whomever was responsibile.

Was it not true that all a citizen of Rome needed to do was proclaim that he was a civitas Romani (you Latin people feel free to correct my usage) and know that if he should be killed by a foreigner, that Rome would avenge his death with interest? It is that sort of power that our enemy would respect; but we dare not claim it, for whatever reason. Our enemy knows this...and is using it to his advantage.