Friday, January 25, 2008

Ohio GOP Needs to Stand for Freedom

In the background, I have been writing a massive essay on what my view of conservatism is and one of the key themes in tht piece is the importance of freedom.

So when I hear that a GOP County Chairman whined to a 527 media outlet for having the audacity to hire a conservative blogger that opposses said county chairman, I have to think that it is time to send that county chairman packing.

Alex Arshinkoff is a thin-skinned blowhard combined with a massive quantity of hubris. When shady characters are at the reins of the party structure, it should come as no surprise that freedom is a commodity in short supply.

I am sick and tired of being the Party of Scandal instead of the Party of Freedom. People like Arshinkoff are the problem and the Ohio Republican Party will never return from the wilderness until all of the Arshinkoffs in our party are dealt with and dispatched.

When will the OhioGOP finally remember that freedom is the answer? How many elections must we lose? I am ashamed that there are people like Alex Arshinkoff in the Republican Party.

UPDATE: I've been having some problem with clarity in my writing lately, and I want to make sure that this message is crystal clear: I am of the opinion that Alex Arshinkoff is a scumbag who should admit that he is a Democrat plant and get out of our party.

UPDATE 2: I suppose I should mention that the story that I have been teasing all week, has Alex Arshinkoff at the center of it...

UPDATE 3: At least "Cut and Run" LaTourette complained about a liberal blogger...and I found that equally inexcusable by the way...