Friday, February 01, 2008

Ann Coulter Has Jumped the Shark and Represents the Contrarian Stupidity That Has Fractured the Party

I used to admire Ann Coulter. I used to think she was witty. I used to think she had some good insights. That was about 3 years ago. Now, she is nothing more than being a divider and fracturer of the party. She only cares about selling books at this point, and she has gotten no more money from me, as I haven't bought a book of hers since Treason. She now says she would vote Hillary over McCain. Here is the link as my location will not allow me to post video directly right now:

So, Ms. Coulter,I guess, wants to punish the country for McCain's and the establishment Republicans' sins. Nice way to think of the country before yourself Ms. Coulter. Ann, kindly STFU.