Monday, February 04, 2008

HillaryCare: Resistance Will be Futile

The Borg Queen herself, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is trying to take more of your money. She says to garnish people's wages if they don't have health care, especially her health care.
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.The New York senator has criticized presidential rival Barack Obama for pushing a health plan that would not require universal coverage. Clinton has not always specified the enforcement measures she would embrace, but when pressed on ABC's "This Week," she said: "I think there are a number of mechanisms" that are possible, including "going after people's wages, automatic enrollment."

Clinton said such measures would apply only to workers who can afford health coverage but refuse to buy it, which puts undue pressure on hospitals and emergency rooms. With her proposals for subsidies, she said, "it will be affordable for everyone."

I guess Dems are only for freedom of choice if it is choosing to kill babies. Whatever happened to the right to make poor decisions? Are we so chicken$#!/ that we are afraid to make poor decisions? Have we been so brainwashed that we are going to surrender all our freedoms to government in the name of "protecting" us?

Hillary Clinton, with this announcement and plan, shows her true Socialist/Fascist colors. She wants to control your life, because to her, you people out there are too stupid to decide for yourselves.