Friday, February 29, 2008

RELEASE: Moll Focuses on Illegal Immigration

This just in...
ZANESVILLE, OH 2/29/2008 - As Ohio voters prepare to vote on Tuesday, conservative Republican candidate for Congress in Ohio's 18th congressional district Jeanette Moll spoke with voters regarding her views on illegal immigration. Moll's discussions with voters show that immigration continues to be an issue that voters are passionate about.

"As I campaign in the 16 counties of this district, the people I've met are concerned about illegal immigration," Moll said. "They want to secure our border immediately to stem the problem and they want illegal aliens in the United States deported and not given amnesty."

Moll also noted that communities in Eastern and Southeastern Ohio are adversely affected by illegal immigration.

"We see drugs illegally brought across the border that filter down into our communities from Columbus and Cleveland," Moll said. "It's a question of law and order."

Moll continued that she understands why people would want to settle here.

"America remains the land of opportunity," Moll said. "As long as people come here through the proper channels and are law-abiding citizens I welcome them to the land of the free, the home of the brave."

Moll also pointed to a problem facing Ohio in a few years.

"Illegal immigrants are counted in the census, which gives Texas and California artificially inflated numbers," Moll said. "With Ohio slated to lose two seats in Congress, we should make sure that Ohio's legitimate citizens aren't short-changed by the system."
Now we get stuff on the issues... Of course, all we are seeing here is that she recognizes the issue...what we don't see here is anything resembling a plan.

NOTE: WMD has endorsed Paul Phillips for this seat.