Thursday, February 28, 2008

What If Kay Rogers Goes Democrat on March 4th?

Current Status of Kay Rogers' Political Career:

In a very clever piece written by Josh Sweigert, intrepid reporter for Cox Newspapers, we get a glimpse of a potential strategy where Butler County Democrats could seize control of the county Auditor position. What would have to happen in order for that scenario to come to fruition?
If she pulls a Democratic ballot on March 4, it would be up to the county's Democrats to replace her.
That's right...if Kay Rogers doesn't resign before the primary on March 4th and then pulls a Democrat ballot (thus changing her party affiliation), then the Democrats get to choose her replacement.

IF she does that, I will get to call Kay Rogers a dirty Democrat and Republican...and believe me, I WILL do it. That this is even being talked about is a sure sign that politics has gotten out of hand. And this loophole needs to be fixed...