Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Government Is The Problem

An excerpt from today's email, The Daily Grind:
The current monetary crisis is of the Fed’s own making through central bank interventionism – by setting up favorable conditions for bad loans with low interest rates and by increasing the money supply in general. This in turn has beat down the dollar, which threatens to spark an inflationary recession.

The liberal line remains the same as it has since the Great Depression: capitalism has failed – or in Dionne’s imagery, “run off the rails.” We were hearing this from the communists and fascists overseas then, and the arguments remain the same now. As before, the interventionists believe that it is up to government to fix the mess – which interventionism ironically created – and that means a new economic order with even more intervention. This is a pure grab for power by the socialists.
I'd love to see this kicked around a bit, but I think that this has an air of truth to it...