It is very difficult for me to feel motivated to engage in the usual partisan antics here at WMD. The State of Ohio Blogger Alliance was formed to provide a blogger response to Paul Hackett, but Matt Maupin's situation has been a unifying theme for many of us in the original group.
I am preparing myself for the possibility of being called to render honors at Matt Maupin's grave. As a bugler on call, it is a real possibility and I have received word from the regional coordinator from the Ohio National Guard to be ready to go once the details are worked out as to which units will be activated for the mission.
Maybe I'll have more to say later; but for now, I just am not in the mood to get in to a prolonged discussion of whether or not some dude nobody has ever heard of managed a low profile while working at the White House and is being accused of whatever it is he's being accused of... Whether or not Ken Blackwell had a high profile gig back in the day is not something I really think is something I can care about right now. I can't debate whether or not 60 Minutes interviews with former detainees who claim they were tortured is pro-terrorist propaganda or not.
Sorry...I'm just not in a place where I can do that yet.
Maybe tomorrow...