Monday, March 17, 2008

Perhaps We Should Change His Name to Pinnochi-Obama

Senator, I believe your nose is continuing to grow. So, to are the lies and the need to invoke suspension of belief to think Obama didn't know about Wright's racism or even tacitly endorse it by continuing to go to the church:

Friday 3/14: "I wasn’t in church during the time that these statement were made. I did not hear such incendiary language myself, personally. Either in conversations with him or when I was in the pew, he always preached the social gospel. … If I had heard them repeated, I would have quit. … If I thought that was the repeated tenor of the church, then I wouldn’t feel comfortable there.”--Barry Comments on Initial Stories about Wright's racism as the heat goes up.

OK, so you didn't know anything about Wright. Fine...but wait, he must have not read his entire prepared statement, for just a little while later:
Saturday 3/15: didn’t know about all these statements. I knew about one or two of these statements that had been made. One or two statements would not lead me to distance myself from either my church or my pastor. … If I had thought that was the tenor or tone on an ongoing basis, then yes, I don’t think it would have been reflective of my values

That, was CNN.

But all this is just coming out? Obama and his folks just found out, right? Nope.
Fifteen minutes before Shabbos I get a call from Barack,” Wright told the Times. “One of his members had talked him into uninviting me.”

When was this? Oh, about a year ago last week.

The media is just now reporting this? Nope. Over a year ago in Rolling Stone:
And there is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a sprawling, profane bear of a preacher, a kind of black ministerial institution, with his own radio shows and guest preaching gigs across the country. Wright takes the pulpit here one Sunday and solemnly, sonorously declares that he will recite ten essential facts about the United States.

“Fact number one: We’ve got more black men in prison than there are in college,” he intones.

“Fact number two: Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run!”

There is thumping applause; Wright has a cadence and power that make Obama sound like John Kerry. Now the reverend begins to preach. “We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training of professional KILLERS. . . . We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God. . . . We conducted radiation experiments on our own people. . . . We care nothing about human life if the ends justify the means!”

The crowd whoops and amens as Wright builds to his climax: “And. And. And! GAWD! Has GOT! To be SICK! OF THIS S#!T!”

OK, so we are to believe that all this stuff about Wright is just "cherry picking" and selective outrage? Are we to believe that Obama never ever knew about this, when we have shown that there was ample coverage? Hmmm....Pinochiobama, I wonder who really is pulling those strings....
