Saturday, April 26, 2008

Intrepid Reporter Josh Sweigart Swings and Misses...Again.

I see in todays Journal News that Josh Swigart has finally published as real hard news his year long fishing expedition where he has tried to involve all other Butler County Republican office holders in the unethical nepotism hiring by Carol Mosketti last year.

After collecting innuendo for so long, I guess his boss just said, "Print something!" So, Josh, being an intrepid reporter, decided to just produce several misleading articles -- devoid of any relevent content and no new charges -- hoping that quantity would outlast quality. This is typical "Flood the Zone" type tactics. Throw all kinds of names and allegations out there and see what sticks.

Here are a few facts that intrepid reporter Josh Sweigart left out of his piece. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide if these facts were left out of the piece on purpose or not...

Elected office-holders are permitted to hire administrative staff that support the policy goals that got them elected. It is not illegal to hire (non-family) folks that can be trusted -- in the same way that their fathers, mothers and grandparents who were in public service before them. It is a smart way to ensure that the public is served well.

No where did Josh search out in his articles the people hired by new Hamilton city Democrat Judge Gattermeyer. (Remember, Gattermeyer is the protege of his former boss "2% club" Butler Co. Prosecutor John F. Holcomb, who after had hired his son John M Holcomb as the highest paid employee).

And let's not forget that all of this "culture of corruption" journalism is taking place while not a single word can be found on the pages of the Fairfield Echo or the Hamilton Journal-News about one Marc Dann and his Delta House antics of his fraternity brothers employed by the Attorney General's office in Columbus. Some will say, "But, Matt, Columbus isn't in Butler County!" Oh yeah, Matt Maupin was not a Butler County resident... The Candian dude who offed himself two counties over never lived here either. And, yes, Marc Dann doesn't live in Butler County either...can we get some coverage of real news, please?

Josh: you are better than this...