Apparently, the DNC think that the
number one reason to vote for John McCain (last paragraph) is “The last seven years have been so great, let’s have four more!” Now, they meant it as a joke, but I think more and more of the American people are going to look back on the Bush presidency fondly. It might take some time, but I really don't think things were remotely close to as bad as the 527 media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) have made it out to be...
But, yes, let's do have at least four more years of a Republican residing in the White House. While John Sidney McCain is no George W. Bush, he would do well not to put too much distance between himself and the president. How many loser Republicans used that strategy in '06? Not many...for the most part, the losers tried to seperate themselves from the president and paid for it with their seats.