Tuesday, May 13, 2008

BREAKING: Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Marc Dann

Begun the Dann Wars have...

Yes, the Marc Dann Sunshine Express rolls on...to the Impeachment Dannce!

According to the Enquirer, the Demcorats have filed articles of impeachment against Marc Dann. They are charging Dann with nine counts of bad bahvior including obstructing an investigation, making misleading statements under oath and general misconduct.

Read the articles of impeachment HERE (PDF).

What will Speaker Husted do now?

Put me in the camp with NixGuy, I think Marc Dann is a scumbag and needs to get packing and the sooner the better. But I also think that our friends at RightRunner and Darke Blog make valid points. If there was an alternative that would force the Democrats to handle this themselves and immediately, I'd be all for it...

I assume that there will be an investigation...which will take months...while Marc Dann stays in office. Once the deadline passes for a Special Election, I can see Marc Dann stepping away and thus denying the people of the Great State of Ohio from having the opportunity of correcting their mistake from '06.

So, yeah...I see impeachment as a stalling tactic employed by the Democrats. Will it work? We'll just have to wait and see.

UPDATE 1: I had this flagged in my mailbox, but didn't get around to it and now I see that Bill Sloat has this one covered pretty good. The FBI has been asked to investigate whether or not Marc Dann has "connections" to "gambling interests"...which sounds like high quality Youngstown politics to me...


UPDATE 3: Could Marc Dann actually be thinking about doing the right thing? The Cleveland Plain Dealer seems to think so (HT: RightRunner)... How sweet would it be for Dann to ruin the Ohio Dems plans?

UPDATE 3A: The Enquirer is now reporting this rumor as well.