Monday, May 12, 2008

Butler County Update: Today's Poorly Sourced, Third-Hand Rumor Mongering

Today's poorly sourced, third-hand rumor goes like this: somehow, Commissioner Furmon gets indicted for...something...and then Rawnica Dillingham-Wilson-Dillingham-Ruscigno-Dillingham runs as an independent.

This is simply crazy talk.

First of all, there has been no evidence presented to date which would lead me to believe that Chuck Furmon has done anything that would warrant an indictment. Even the silly call for an ethics investigation on the pay raises for his ex-son-in-law aren't going anywhere.

Second, Rawnica Dillingham-Wilson-Dillingham-Ruscigno-Dillingham had a perfect storm and still couldn't win. Why? Because she built her entire campaign on Dynus and Marcus Feisel. Dynus has blown up in her face because two of the prominent politicans she featured on her DVD (which I still have, by the way -- those will make for GREAT ads against her) have either already plead guilty or are under investigation. Marcus Feisel's case was a tragedy, but using it the way she has is just disgusting and the citizens of Butler County have pretty much seen through all of that.

Third, Rawnica Dillingham-Wilson-Dillingham-Ruscigno-Dillingham represents the kind of politician that we are trying very hard to get rid of in Butler County. She is, as mentioned in the above item, tied very closely to both Kay Rogers and Mike that who you want representing you, Butler County? I think not... The Culture of Intimidation and Innuendo needs to pack it up and move on down the road...we're not buying it anymore.

Lastly, did I mention that this scenario is absolutely bat$#|+ crazy???

UPDATE: Rawnica emails excerpt:
The election is over. I have moved on with my life. You haven't heard about my doing anything politically controversial since the primary...have you? No. I have not. I am doing things to try to get my personal life back in order, spend time with my family and do the things I can do to help make Butler County a better place to live. I have offered to help our Party in any way possible. I love this County and I love helping people, in whatever ways I can. I am not running for anything, I am simply living my life.

I don't care if Mr. Furmon is indicted, if he hates puppies or if he has sex with goats. He is the Republican candidate by process of the Republican Primary. I do care what the voters think and what the voters decided. Either way, I am not running for anything this November. Even if I stomped my feet up and down and waved my arms in the air screaming...I couldn't run as an isn't legally allowed. lol. I wish no personal harm on anyone. It was just politics. The campaign is over.
There you have it, folks...Rawnica is NOT going to run in November.

Can we get back to rumors that have some basis in reality now?