Tip o' the hat to Eric from Plunderbund for this little piece of joy... According to the Cleveland Plain Dealer's OPENERS blog, in the wake of the scandal plaguing his office and the threat of impeachment, Marc Dann has hired a political mercenary from Texas who's motto is disgustingly partisan hackery. The best part of this story is that it is the Democrats who are screaming for impeachment and Dann brings in the guy who "Serve Republicans. Would You Like Them Skewered, Roasted, or Deep Fried?" There's serious irony in that move, man... What? Todd Franko wasn't available for the gig, Marc?
Dann for Ohio? That's a good one...
By the way, can someone tell me what Betty Montgomery ever did to deserve getting beat by this clown? Oh yeah, she got smeared by most of these same lefties who are now screaming for Marc Dann's job...that's right...