Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Obama Willing to Meet with Iran, but Not Iraq or Petraeus

NRO's Jim Geraghty, writing for The Campaign Spot, has an interesting response from Team Obama worth noting:
Obama spokesman Bill Burton, responding to John McCain's suggestion that both he and Obama take a trip to Iraq in the near future:

"John McCain's proposal is nothing more than a political stunt, and we don't need any more 'Mission Accomplished' banners or walks through Baghdad markets to know that Iraq's leaders have not made the political progress that was the stated purpose of the surge. The American people don't want any more false promises of progress, they deserve a real debate about a war that has overstretched our military, and cost us thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars without making us safer."
Jim points out that Team Obama gives absolutely no indication that he is ready or willing to see the progress in Iraq before November.

Obama seems eager to surrender in Iraq and refuses to even discuss it with the general in charge there. I thought we were supposed to 'listen to the generals' but I guess that meant only the Generals For Surrender...

Is this the right kind of "leadership" for America? For Ohio? I don't think so...