Will this provision reduce the number of kids being killed by a parent? Maybe. The 72-hour law is said to have saved more than 50 kids including 11 newborns, so the possibility that by giving parents 30 days to return their newborns more lives can be saved.
Not everybody is on board though. The Hudson Hub-Times has a quote from Sen. Jeff Jacobson:
"I don't believe that the link is so clear that those who are distraught enough to consider destroying a life after a birth will be deterred from that because they find out there is a legal way to rid themselves of the child," he said. "I do think this encourages the commodification of children." The final Senate vote on the bill was 32-1.I disagree with Sen. Jacobson on the point that this law in any way turns kids in to objects to be traded and/or bartered. What the law does is provide a legal and safe out for parents who are in over their head, but were not cold-hearted enough to abort their child. These kids live and are then placed for adoption. I think that is better outcome for all involved.