However, that is not what Memorial Day is about. Memorial Day is the time when we pay respect and tribute to those who defend us, and honor the fallen. We pay respect and honor to them, because they died for us. They gave the last full measure of devotion so that we may live the dreams they believed in and fought for. We as Americans need to realize, regardless of political stripe, the tremendous sacrifice made by our brave men and women, and honor both the living and the dead. As well as the families, who have given not just the hopes and dreams of individuals but of families as well. God bless them all....
As you enjoy the remainder of your day off, as you finish off the leftovers from the grillouts or you drive freely down the road, take a moment and say a prayer for the fallen and their families, and for those who live with having faced war each and every day....and everyday, if you encounter one, thank a vet...they fought and fight so we don't have to, so we can live free, so we can be free to say some of the stupid things we say, watch some of the stupid things we watch, etc....
Thank a vet...support the troops....honor the fallen....
All gave some...some gave all....
God bless them, God bless America.