Wednesday, May 14, 2008

RINOvich Wants to be Veep

This is downright funny stuff... The Hill asked all 97 members of the world's most debilitating body who are NOT running for POTUS what they would say if they were asked to be the Veep. Here is what The Crying Man had to say:
“Honestly, if John McCain came to me and said, ‘George, I think that you would help me and should be part of my team,’ I’d have to say, ‘Yes, I’d be glad to help.’ The fact of the matter is, I’m worried about our country. I’m really worried. And I want to run again for only one reason, that things are so screwed up, I’m just worried about my kids. So if somebody came to me and said, ‘We really think you could help us do this,’ I couldn’t say no because maybe it’s another way of serving my country and it’s maybe even more important than being a senator. The first question I’d ask is, ‘What role would you want me to play? If you want me to give a bunch of speeches, I’m not the guy. Get somebody else. If you want me to roll up the shirtsleeves, get up early in the morning, dot the I’s and cross the T’s, do substantive stuff? OK.’ ”
Of course, George, if you weren't undermining the nominee at every opportunity...or the current administration...or the conservative base...or Ohio Republicans...

Just remember folks, you do have a choice in Ham Sandwich for Senate, because let's face it, by 2010 Ham Sandwich will only be half as stale as George Voinovich is right now!