Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Stupid OH-02 Poll

I'm supposed to be impressed with the Might Vic Wulsin Machine that in their own poll, they lose to Jean Schmidt by 8 points... Once again, the only numbers we get to see are what is being published, so we don't know by how many Democrats did the polls ters oversample this time.

Let me say this again, we're supposed to discover that Jean Schmidt is somehow vulnerable because an internal Wulsin poll shows Wulsin losing by 8 points...

Read the story, if you must, from SeeBS News and The Politico. ...but don't say I didn't warn you that you might actually come out the other side dumber for having read it.

UPDATE: Leave it Jeff "Dann's The Man" Coryell to buy this load...

7/2/08 UPDATE: Hey...PolitickerOH finally got around to covering this thing...the response from Team Schmidt is pretty good; not just on this, but on the so-called media buy too:
In response to the DCCC's "media buy," Bennett said, "The total buy against Jean was 755 dollars. Almost as pathetic as the Wulsin poll."