Who are The Fulcrum Coalition?
ful·crum [fool-kruhm, fuhl-] noun, plural -crums, -cra
1. the support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns in moving a body.
-- Dictionary.com
Who are The Fulcrum Coalition?
The Fulcrum Coalition are conservatives who stand on the principle that it is more effective to work for change within the party structure rather than be an meaningless obstacle.The Fulcrum Coalition believe in a zero tolerance policy for corruption within the Republican Party and works to promote candidates who are reform-minded.The Fulcrum Coalition are agents of change who understand that while results will not be achieved immediately, it is important and vital to advance a conservative agenda.The Fulcrum Coalition realizes that it is better for the nation to have someone in the White House who holds more conservative positions than liberal views.Who are The Fulcrum Coalition?