Saturday, June 14, 2008

I Am Tired of This Pre-emptive War Based on Lies and Rumor...

Yes, that is right. I can finally say it. I have been liberated. I am sick and tired of this pre-emptive war based on lies and rumor and deception.

Iraq? Nope.

The War against people who criticize Barack Hussein Obama. The campaign has waged a war of pre-emption based on lies and rumor and deception in order to hide the fact that their candidate is nothing more than an empty suit.

To wit:

It was not anyone on the right, but Michelle Obama who first brought up Obama's middle name.

It was not Hillary Clinton, but Michelle Obama, who first brought up Barack being assassinated, in a 60 Minutes interview.

It was not anyone on the right, but lefties like Bob Beckel who first mentioned the rumor about Michelle Obama using the term "whitey" during an address at Rev. Wright's cracked up church.

However, when these things are addressed, it is some Republican hate machine, or right wingers, or bloggers, who come up with this stuff, not the actual sources.

These things are put out there by the lefties to set us up. They want to make it so ANY criticism against Obama is seen as being heinous and patently false and a crime against humanity and the liberal church of State as god's messiah, Barry Obama.

Fascists have put out false rumors to insulate themselves from real criticism. The Nazis perfected it during their reign in Germany. You see, the strategy works this way. Create sympathy for someone who shouldn't even be qualified to hang wallpaper, much less be a nation's leader by insinuating every criticism is some wild unfounded rumor. Heck, even have some people in your own circle start some up and then easily dismiss it. That gives the allure of credibility. In essence, it is all part of the narrative of the Big Lie. Then create a squad of people to go out and "dispel" the rumors that in part you helped spread. In fact, have truth squads go about like Wilson did during the war to rat people out and speak against any dissent.

All of this is being done to insulate Obama from any criticism. He must be made to be above reproach, to be modest. I mean, look at the mock kerfluffle over Michelle Malkin and the Baby's Daddy thing. First, Malkin did not put up the graphic. Secondly, Michelle OBAMA said the same thing when Barry was elected to Senate.

All of these things are based on deception, lies and rumor. I demand an investigation. And, these things lead us ultimately away from real questions like:
the continuing revelations about the church and Rev. Wright,
the Father Pfleger issues,
the certification of birth vs. actual birth certificate,
Tony Rezko,
Bill Ayres,
his questionable hires and subsequent cya fires,
his lack of any executive experience,
his shady political dealings,
his views about Israel,
his views about the US,
his views on black liberation theology.

It is sad when such campaigns of misinformation are used. Sadder still the American people buy it. They bought it under Clinton, with things like "it is just the mean republicans," and "it really is just about sex, anyway," and "the vast right wing conspiracy."

And, sadly, we bloggers and reporters at times do fall prey to such things. We feed into it instead of discussing the substantive issues just above, we go for the scoop, the lead, etc.

But, we can rise above. We need to stay on point, and continue to be vigilant against the pre-emptive war without that seeks to squash dissent, the war against those who don't support Barry Obama.