Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rep. Schmidt on Gas Prices

Here is a transcript of Jean Schmidt's one-minute on gas prices:

(Mrs. SCHMIDT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ask Congress, no, to beg Congress to do something about the everincreasing cost of gasoline.

Mr. Speaker, my constituents are struggling every day with this evergrowing burden. Just Sunday, as my husband was filling up with gas, a young couple begged him for money so that they could get home.

This very day there is indeed drilling activity off of our country’s coast. Not by our U.S. companies. That would be illegal. Instead, the Chinese are drilling off the coast of Florida with their new energy partner, Cuba. This Congress has failed to act time and time again. Our oil resources along our coastlines and in Alaska remain untapped in the name of environmentalism.

Mr. Speaker, my constituents are more than willing to do their part for the environment, but without their ability to earn a paycheck, there is little they can do, except to suffer like that young couple was on Sunday. We have all suffered enough. Please, Mr. Speaker, let us act. Let us act wisely. Let us act prudently. Let us drill, and let us drill now.