Thursday, June 26, 2008

RPCC RELEASE: Launch of “Cuyahoga Rough Writers Blog”

This just in...
(Cleveland) Chairman Rob Frost and the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County (RPCC) is proud to announce the launching of the Party’s first ever web log. The new “blog” takes its name, Cuyahoga Rough Writers through inspiration from the remarkable achievements of President Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders. The Rough Riders were comprised of ordinary citizens who took personal action for the greater good. Chairman Frost highlighted the inspiring nature of their example by stating “the Rough Riders, like the RPCC, were a diverse and strong group of devoted activists who fought valiantly for a noble cause.”

Chairman Frost stated “the blog will offer breaking local and national political news to visitors and will provide a venue for open dialogue on important topics centered around progressive conservative politics. The Cuyahoga Rough Writers Blog will bring an exciting and hard-hitting perspective with news articles and commentary of topics ranging from county reform and candidate profiles to campaign activities and general information regarding national, state and local politics.” Chairman Frost continued by stating “I encourage all citizens to join the discussion and to support Republican ideals in Cuyahoga County and across the state.”

Although brand new, The Cuyahoga Rough Writers Blog has already seen web traffic, and the RPCC expects further growth as the web log’s popularity grows. Chairman Frost concluded by urging all “bloggers” to join the fight for reform and link the Cuyahoga Rough Writers Blog to their own site. Please visit