Friday, June 27, 2008

Scorecard for the OPEC Congress

This just in from the Institute for Energy Research...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Now adjourned for its Independence Day recess, the U.S. Congress has convened at least 40 hearings on the issue of skyrocketing energy prices in the first six months of 2008. At least 160 witnesses have been sworn-in and questioned. But, even as consumers suffer, the Congress still has done nothing to increase American energy supplies. Institute for Energy Research (IER) president Thomas J. Pyle issued the following statement:

“Don’t mistake activity for productivity,” Pyle said. “Members of Congress have been questioning witnesses and pounding podiums for the news cameras, but they have done nothing to increase American oil production by even one single barrel. Families are paying the price of Washington’s willful refusal to do what we all know must be done.”

“American taxpayers own the federal lands, and they own the vast energy resources that lie beneath them too,” Pyle continued. “If the federal government continues to withhold these supplies, how is it any different than OPEC? That’s something all of us should think about on Independence Day.”
We're still paying the Pelosi Premium while stiffs like T-Shirt Ted try to shift the blame to the Bush administration...if it weren't so pathetic, it would be hilarious.