Sunday, June 08, 2008

A Shout Out to Scott Owens

In writing the piece below on the county insurance story, it reminded me of something that I meant to do earlier this week and that is to talk a little bit about one of the really good guys behind the scenes at the Butler County Republican Party: Scott Owens.

The party has seen some really rough times in the last few years with plenty of internal and external strife -- some of which gets published here, but a lot doesn't. Anyway, Mark and I had an occasion to watch Scott in action last week and I wanted to take a minute to recognize Scott for the difficult job he has and the terrific job he's doing with it.

Scott is the glue that is holding the Butler County Republican Party together. He mends fences and smooths things over when the various members of the party get riles up. This can be especially difficult when the members in question are elected officials.

This is a very important time for the Butler County Republican Party not just because of local issues, but state and national concerns as well. After all this is a presidential election cycle and Butler County has a very important role to play and Scott is vital to our success in all of those areas.

Scott's best weapon is his laugh. And if you've ever met Scott, you've heard him laugh. He's a charmer and most people seem quite taken in by Scott's personality and openness. He is a real asset to the party and I am proud to know him.