Obama's Questionable VP Commiteemen
Obama Cuts Off Johnson---Geez, where to begin?
And Of Course, CountryWide Extended VIP Loans to Chris Dodd, Donna Shalala and others.
And I thought Obama wanted open government, wanted to end the corruption...wait...he's a democrat...never mind...
And then there is the case of one Eric Holder....
More Obama News
What Might an Obama Admin Look like? Based on his campaign, not so good....
Barack Obama Wants to Use Guns He Would Not Let You Use....
Obama's Half Brother didn't Get the "He's Not a Muslim" Memo....
Tim Russert
I would say Stay Classy, but it is not in Chris Matthews' Character....
God bless Tim Russert....as Rush said:
It's just a shame. Tim was a regular guy with that perpetual smile he wore naturally all the time. He loved life and got everything he could out of it. Whether it was at dinner here in Florida while his son was taking golf lessons, or on the set of Meet The Press, Tim was always the same with me: genuine. He never condescended to anyone and was the consummate professional. He will be hard to replace. He was the closest thing there was at any of the networks to an objective journalist
More on Matthews...his slight was planned AND intentional...
Freedom Fries Era Over....
Bush in Paris...We love Nick Sarkozy...and his wife...
The Times UK is jealous....
More European News
We cover the Irish Saving Civilization....again...and rejecting the anti-democracy Lisbon EU treaty....see post below
We cover the rising dollar....see post below....
More Obama...
VP possibility Jim Webb has Confederate Problems....wonder if he used Macacca?
Obama and his payroll tax scam....what is he really doing on this?
Michelle Obama Hypocrite....she closed plants for efficiency...Barack's excuse...we have to pay the bills...but yet he castigates Wal Mart? Huh?
And What about the University of Chicago Board Job, the Hospital that makes over 100 million and is accused of patient dumping?
Barack is a chicken....what, Barry, can't handle no teleprompter and script?
Tom Discusses the Lies Obama Says About His Daddy....Turns out they really were Dreams, not reality....see bizzy's archives for details....
Scott McClellan's Brutus Book is Bought and Paid for by...George Soros....