Saturday, June 21, 2008

WMD Admits We Were Wrong About John Freshwater

On a TIB Radio broadcast and the post, we talked about Ohio teacher John Freshwater and his stand against removing his Bible. We thought Mr. Freshwater was a reasonable teacher and man of faith. However, according to the latest on this issue, we at WMD and TIB appear to have been wrong, as it appears Mr. Freshwater engaged in physical disfigurement of students:
A public school teacher preached his Christian beliefs despite complaints by other teachers and administrators and used a device to burn the image of a cross on students' arms, according to a report by independent investigators.

This type of behavior should never be tolerated. Mr. Freshwater cannot be much of a teacher or a Christian if he engages in this type of ritualized, albeit short term, disfigurement and abuse of students....This is disgusting. This man should be let go, depending on what the final investigation says actually happened. We here at WMD are saddened that this was not just a case of a teacher being wrong, but it appears the man has some issues as a rather fringe nature....

Update: The board voted to fire Mr. Freshwater....I must say given the branding issue, good call....