Friday, June 20, 2008

WMD Blast: Thank God Its Friday Edition

Okay...well, I'm still busy, but there are some things happening today that you should know about:

  • AP News Alert:
    WASHINGTON (AP) House approves compromise eavesdropping bill that effectively shields telecoms from civil lawsuits in "warrantless wiretapping"
    Here is what Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- had to say on the subject:
    “ America cannot afford a pre-9/11 mentality when it comes to our national security. That is why this bipartisan bill is so critical. It recognizes the threats we face, keeps our nation on offense, and sends a clear message to our enemies that America is serious about protecting our citizens and our troops.

    “Our intelligence officials must have the ability to monitor terrorists suspected of plotting to kill Americans, and to safeguard our national security, this bill gives it to them. While protecting the civil liberties of every American, it ensures our intelligence community has the tools it needs to keep our nation safe. And it adds important retroactive liability protections for patriotic firms who assisted the government in detecting and preventing terrorist attacks.

    “The American people will be safer because of this bill – and so will our troops defending our freedom. I thank Republican Whip Blunt, Reps. Hoekstra and Smith, and all Republican Members of the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees for their work in crafting this legislation. This bill is added proof that when both parties work together, Congress can serve the interests of the American people.”
    This has been a good week for House Republicans...

  • Butler County: Be sure to check out this great op-ed in the Journal-News on Butler County Auditor Roger Reynolds and the database his department will be putting online soon where ordinary citizens like you and me can go and found out what the politicos are spending our tax dollars on this week... (HT: BL via email...)

  • In the Works: I've got tons of material to go through on OH-02 dealing with Vic Wulsin, mariotherapy, Tim Burke, and oil. How will I tie all of that together? You won't want to miss that one...