Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bill Sloat Smears John Boehner and Gets the Story WRONG While Doing It

As usual, Bill Sloat is showing his true colors as the unofficial voice of the Democratic Party in the Great State of Ohio. This time, he smears Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- with this bit of hackery:
House Republican leader John Boehner has a new angle on U.S. Rep. Jean Schmidt's false claim that the Chinese are drilling for oil off the coast of Florida. Boehner contends in a column published today in a Cincinnati magazine "China and Cuba, for example, are actively exploring deep ocean fields just 50 miles off the coast of the Floirda Keys." But hard data to support Boehner's assertion appears to be non-existent -- he offers neither pictures nor maps to go along with his article. He presents no new evidence to counter experts who have said for the past month that China's oil leases in Cuba are land-based.
Perhaps, if Bill Sloat, master of all things knowable, would have taken the time to ask for some proof instead of going directly for the smear, he might have learned something.

Bill, let me take you to school...

Bill, meet Senator Dorgan...he's a Democrat, by the way...and here is an excerpt from his floor statement from May 12, 2008:

Mr. DORGAN. We ought to be producing off Cuba as well where China is now allowed to drlll and produce.
That passage is highlighted in this document:

Read this document on Scribd: dorgan floor statement

Bill, now meet Rep. Ross (D-Arkansas)...
MR. ROSS: Can I go back to China for a moment? You know, we don't do business with Cuba because they are Communist. and yet we do business with Communist China oul of a spirit of international relations. And while we are all focused on the Middle East and what is going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, Cuba has hired China to drill for oil on their behalf 55 miles from Key West, Florida, when the United States does not allow drilling within 100 miles of Key West. Can you imagine that? And yet we have borrowed S346.5 billion from China 10 give folks who live in this country who earn over $400,000 a year a tax cut and to leave our children and our grandchildren with the bill.
Emphasis added.

That passage is highlighted in this document:

Read this document on Scribd: ross floor statement cuba

Surely, Bill, you are familiar with fellow uber-liberal Charlie Rangel. An introduction ought not be neccessary, but here he is on February 8, 2007...
Instead of collapsing, the Cuban economy is growmg at a rate of 8 percent a year, and the government has new and profitable relationship involving crude oil drilling operations off of the Cuban coast with China in conjunctlon with India, Norway and Spain.
Emphasis added. You can find that passage highlighted in this document:

Read this document on Scribd: rangel floor statement

Maybe, Bill, all of these Democrats are "trying a new tack to keep some shred of the myth afloat" but I sure didn't see you taking any of these guys to task.

How about the USA Today, Bill, are they credible enough for your sensibilities?
In the modern era, Cuba's first significant oil find came in 1971 when Soviet engineers discovered the Varadero field, east of Havana. After the Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba opened its oil program to foreign investment in 1993. Today, companies from Spain, Norway, India, Malaysia and China are involved, either drilling wells onshore or using horizontal drilling to reach reservoirs in shallow coastal waters.
Emphasis added.

You can find that on Page Two of this document posted for Fair Use and commentary purposes:

Read this document on Scribd: USA%20TODAY%20CUBA

Bill, you conclude your piece with this bit from Boehner's article:
"Thirteen years later, emerging market economies in China and India are gobbling up excess oil supply. Foreign countries have embarked on a worldwide hunt for new resources. China and Cuba, for example, are actively exploring deep ocean fields just 50 miles off the coast of Florida. Meanwhile, Democrats keep America's own untapped resources off-limits to Americans. This madness has to stop."
Mr. Boehner has used the correct terminology. China is EXPLORING for oil off the coast of Cuba. That is a fact. It is in the Congressional Record. The media has reported on it.

Bill, just because a Democratic press release told you something doesn't make it so... You owe Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- a HUGE apology and a clarification of your remarks.