After hearing of the thwarted petition delivery, Brown wrote Mike Schmitt, DHL Director of Hub Operations, July 3.DHL is under no obligation to stay in Wilmington. Businesses tend to thrive where business isn't considered a pariah. And in Ohio, business is not welcome.
“Regardless of whether the dismissive treatment to which these individuals were subjected stemmed from a misunderstanding or was intentional, it must be rectified immediately,” Brown wrote. “I would like to personally deliver the petitions to you and discuss your company’s future role in Wilmington.”
The number of petitions and who signed them is not relevent to the discussion of DHL's future in Wilmington. And if I were in the position of making this decision, I'd be more inclined to let be known that it doesn't matter what Sherrod Brown thinks ought to be rectified immediately, it comes down to the very simple fact that the business climate in this state is in the crapper. Maybe Sherrod Brown ought to rectify that immediately...