Wednesday, July 23, 2008

RELEASE: Boccieri Hiding From Vote Against Jobs, Infrastructure Improvements

This just in...

CANTON -- In a desperate bid to represent the voters of a district in which he is not even registered to vote, Youngstown Senator John Boccieri has been scrambling to explain why he voted against a plan to improve Ohio's infrastructure and bolster our state's economy.

Boccieri voted against the 2003 Transportation bill that was part of the overall Transportation Budget, a budget that helped fund needed improvements on U.S. 30 and Interstates 77 and 71. These three arteries are critical links to the transportation of goods and raw materials that move in and out of the Congressional District.

Senator Kirk Schuring, who supported the bill, said, "Local businesses were overwhelmingly in favor of this budget because of the way it improved Ohio's transportation system. Enhancing our transportation network is critically important to our area's economy because of the increased demand for products to be delivered on time. Being on time enhances a businesses' competitiveness and ultimately creates jobs."

Schuring said that by voting against the bill, his opponent was casting a vote against jobs and much-needed infrastructure improvements in the 16th Congressional District.

"This once again shows how John Boccieri will say or do anything to get elected in this district, and how out of touch he is with the good folks who reside here," Schuring Campaign Manager PJ Wenzel said.

"Mr. Boccieri voted against necessary improvements to airport infrastructure, and every single highway project in the state of Ohio. He put partisan politics above providing basic services to our citizens and ducked his basic responsibilities as a state legislator."